I recently attended an event that Rainbow Ridge Farms participated in. After ''liking'' their Facebook page, I learned about a soapmaking class they'd be holding. It sounded like fun. For the class, I needed to buy coconut oil, olive oil, Crisco (not an off-brand) and an essential oil (lavender). The farm provided warm distilled water and lye. Mixing water and lye was the first step. Then, we began working wih the other ingredients. The coconut oil gets solid at certain temps, so it had to be melted. After also melting the Crisco, olive oil was added. After it reached the right temperature, the lavender was added and all of it was blended. Then, we poured it into the molds (I used plastic food containers). It was wrapped in a fleece blanket and placed in a box. It is cooling in my closet and will remain there for a month. After that, it will be cut into bars and can be used. I also got to see some of the farm. FYI- Compost bins with worms don't stink. Janet also talked to me about their bees and honey.

Lye and water after mixing
Waiting for the right temperature
Another lady's mixture with herbs
The soap mixure is in molds
Compost with worms
Compost bins
Raised beds
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